Acrylic Painting and Mixed Media
Acrylic painting course for adults starting Tuesday 12 April 2016
A 7 week course for all levels with artist Vicky Vergou.
Sessions run 7.30pm - 9pm. Payment is made in advance, a total of £56. Choose your own theme from photos, objects or memory and bring them wit you to the first session.
All levels welcome. Ages 18 and over. Places are limited to ensure interaction so please call 01235 771447 to book and avoid disappointment.
Please bring various brushes, palettes, pots, palette knives, old cloth, acrylic paper or coated canvas or coated wood or a combination of them all. Suggested acrylic paint: Ultramarine Blue, Pthalo Blue (or Cerulean Blue), Alizarin Crimson Red, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, Burnt Sienna, White and Black. Optional: Acrylic Glazing Medium, Ochre and Burnt Umber acrylic paint, gloves, apron.
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