
The Vale and Downland Museum (Wantage) is a charity, registration number 1126995, and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England, number 067600294. It is governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association. The directors, as charity trustees, have responsibility for controlling and safeguarding the museum and its property and funds. Directors are either nominated or co-opted to the Museum Board.

Elizabeth Sadler


Nominated by  The Friends of the Vale and Downland Museum



Keith Jones

Cllr Keith Jones

Deputy Chairman

Nominated by Grove Parish Council on behalf of itself and other parishes in the Vale of White Horse and Downland area


Cllr Fiona Roper

Nominated by the Vale of White Horse District Council





 Cllr St.John Dickson

Nominated by Wantage Town Council.  St.John is also the nominated Town Council Trustee for Wantage & Grove Independent Advice Centre.



John Vandore

Co-opted by the Directors. Wantage resident. John is also a Trustee of Betjeman Millenium Park.



Bill Falkenau

Nominated by Wantage Joint Economic Forum



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